UV curing was traditionally used in flat-line applications such as printing and flooring. UV III Systems, Inc. pioneered the notion that using a defocused lamp, without a specific focal point, it was possible to cure a finish on three-dimensional substrates. This was an exciting time in the UV curing industry, because suddenly manufacturers could cure an infinite number of products. The realization that UV was not just for printing any more became a reality.
Ultraviolet curing, or UV curing, is a process that uses ultraviolet light to quickly dry specially formulated materials applied to a substrate. An example of UV curing would be the high gloss finish found on a guitar, cars, or some pieces of furniture. The advantage UV has is that it dries quickly to a durable finish.
The process began in the printing industry. Manufacturers have applied UV curable finishes for many years, and recently, commercial finishers have begun using the process to finish counter tops, and decorative concrete. We even have some customers who are artists and dry glue and coatings for special applications.
Like the light from the sun, UV light is carcinogenic and the user must take precautions to protect himself from the harmful rays.We do provide safety kits. Applications are as varied as people who get suntans. We have produced systems to cure adhesive on stinger missiles, as well as systems to cement a fever strip inside a pacifier. We have had customers who manufactured combination locks for secure installations, flower pots, baseball bats, pool cues, executive jets, guitars, ukuleles, mandolins, sail boats, snow boards, skate boards, and skis. Some of our customers deal with such sensitive issue that they can’t even tell us what they do.
UV curable materials are often low in VOC’s, and usually environmentally friendly. In some instances high-volume finishers were not required to get permits from the EPA.